New Patient Registration
All UK residents have the right within the NHS to be registered with a doctor. We are pleased to register anyone who lives within the practice catchment area.
If you do, you need to fill out a registration request form. New patients will be invited to attend for a health check with the practice nurse.
You may use our online registration by clicking the link below, or alternatively collect a printed form from our surgery reception team.
Repeat prescriptions can be ordered at the practice in person or through our secure internet service. Please allow 48 working hours notice (excluding bank holidays and weekends) before being able to collect your signed prescription.
In Person
The right hand side of your prescription is your re-order slip. Just hand this in at the surgery reception.
Fit Notes
It is not necessary to obtain a fit note (previously called Sick Notes) from a Doctor unless you have been absent from work for more than 5 days (i.e. one working week). For your first 5 days of sickness you can self certify.
If you are ill and this results in time away from work you will need to fill in the Inland Revenue Form SC2, in order to claim SSP (Statutory Sick Pay).
Once you have been off sick for more than 1 week you can obtain a sick note from a doctor, if your employer requests one.
Please book an appointment with a practice doctor who may issue a sick note following medical assessment.
If you are unable to keep an appointment please notify us as soon as possible in order to arrange that appointment be offered to someone else.
Our practice operates a DNA policy (did not attend). Patients may be contacted by letter if they fail to attend an appointment.
Please be aware that after three DNA’s, we may request the patient to find another GP as a result of consistent failure to attend.
Home Visits
We hope that our patients will be able to attend either our GP Surgery in South Shields or our GP Surgery in Jarrow, unless housebound due to chronic illness.
If you require a house call please telephone before 11:00am wherever possible and please be prepared to give our receptionist some details.
Online Services
Online Services
Online Services
In order to improve access to our services, the surgery offers patients the opportunity to book GP appointments on line, thus enabling patients to arrange their requirements when they are free to do so and not be restricted to surgery opening times. Whichever appointments are available at the time the online site is accessed, will be displayed, from which an appointment can be selected and booked. The screens are clear and self explanatory, making it an easy option (currently unavailable for Nurse appointments).
Patients can also order repeat prescriptions online. The time from order to issue is the same as if telephoning the prescription line or placing a written request in the box at the surgery-48 working hours from the morning the request is made. For example, a request made before 12noon on a Monday, will be ready to collect on the Wednesday, a request made 2pm on a Monday will not be ready until the Thursday. Please remember that “48 working hours” excudes Saturdays, Sundays or Bank Holidays as the surgery is closed on those days.
Not all prescriptions are on a repeat basis-even if they are dispensed regularly. Patients can identify their repeat items by the tick box list that is generated on the right hand side of their paper prescription. Please be aware that whilst every attempt will be made to adhere to the “time to issue” occasionally emergency situations may cause a delay in the signing of the prescriptions.
If you are a registered patient of the practice and wish to use the online facility, you must enrol with us in person at the practice. Simply request your Online Access Registration Form at reception ensuring you have a valid form of identification with you (photo driving license or passport).
The Online Access Registration Form will provide you with your personal PIN code and ACCESS ID, which are vital to complete the secure log-in process. Please ensure that you look after this form carefully. If the form is lost or stolen, before you have entered your personal password and security details on the registration page, contact the practice immediately, by telephone or in person.
Once you have your personal registration details click here to access the secure log-in site and follow the on screen instructions, together with the instructions provided in your Online Access Registration Form.
If you encounter any difficulties, please let the surgery know.
From 31st March 2016 you can request online access to your detailed coded summary care record. Information leaflets and application forms for this service are available from the surgery.
GP Net Earnings
Download our publication of GP net earnings here.